Welcome to FireToBiz

I’m a thirty-something individual with engineering background living in the US. After doing too much school and starting work life late, I have started to realize that working in corporate, one can save significant amount of money by living below the means, or even around it. Even with small treats to yourself or your family, you are still good to save significant amount of money. For a while, I did not know how to make use of this money that I was able to save by living a reasonable life, until I was introduced to the concept of personal finance.

Once I started reading about personal finance and learned about investing, I of course thought: “Where was my mind?”. I also realized that there is so much incorrect information about personal finance on the web, and I was surprised to see that majority of the people did not know the correct means to investing. Although I started learning about personal investing quite late, I was actually unconsciously investing my money, through company stocks, which, I of course later realized that, is not the best way to invest one’s money.

Later on, I also learned the concept of FIRE: Financial Independence and Retire Early. I have been already living based on the rules of FIRE at the time I heard about it. But there was something missing from the FIRE. Working in corporate as en engineer, being enthusiastic about a lot of side projects, I could not consider myself not working, where working means keeping myself busy with my pursuits. I also do not want to work for corporate for long. And I also knew that start-up life is risky. So, at this point in my life in mid-thirties, in the year I started my blog, in December 2018, I came up with the idea of working in corporate until I FIREd, that is, I have enough net worth to live with no income the rest of my life, and I can take the risk of pursuing and starting my own businesses, which started the idea of FireToBiz: FIRE first, then start your own business.

In this blog, I will write my experience on the way to Financial Independence and Retire Early, focusing on personal finance and investing. As I switch from FIRE to Biz, while creating businesses in the future, I will have blog posts on my experience about creating new businesses. I hope you enjoy the content of FireToBiz.

Off we go!

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